Sunday, July 17, 2005

Looong Week

Hey there Mr/Ms/Mrs/Mdm/Dr. Surfer,

You'd probably notice that it has been a week since I have last updated me blog. Frankly, I have been busy all week long and now with the little time left, I'll try to catch-up on things I have put ON HOLD.

What to know what I have been up to? Yeah?

Well Clerk Life is not slack, truth be told. It has been a great transition for me and I am still not in 'optimal mode'. My job has been taxing due to a bilateral exercise (hafta do maths and stuff) and my need to quickly learn the ropes before my predecessors welcome CV life. :(

Outside job life was also busy busy church happens to have a fund-raising event on Sunday and my sister also held her b'day party on sun too! Clashing fun.

My week in summary: outta in camp...exercise...learn new things (and screw-up)...come back In between the '...'s is deliberating on the church event and maybe the occasional thought on life.

Oh well if you got here...skipping paragraphs or blinding yourself with my blabbering...nice job!

Just like to say that we all can't choose if we want to be rich or poor, busy or free, male or female. All I can say is that if we can't choose our life, we can choose how to respond. Need inpiration? It will come when it wants to come...and life will always be a challenge. Live up to it!


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