Tuesday, March 13, 2007

50th Post

Hello Boys and Girls!

This blog's just reached the half-century mark in about 2 years haha. I am slow.

Some of you guys will know that I am flying off later tonight to Taiwan for a month. Darn I feel both happy and 'sian' about it. Happy as I am 1 month away from civilian-hood, but a bit sian as the last month is gonna be super-concentrated with green. Not a great way to end an army career haha. God has good plans and I trust Him.

Well, so that would most probably mean that I will not be updating this blog for a month. Sure that's a long time but I will certainly have experiences to share about. However, army rules apply and I'm afraid I won't be able to share specific info.

Things are gonna change on a large scale for me, and I will be praying about the things to do when I qualify for civilian-hood. Don't want to waste my time away with those neurons still ready to be myelinated. Didn't get what that meant? Go to this this article, it's an interesting article I found in the Mensa announcements. Does point towards the old adage: Pratice Makes Perfect.

From now 'till then, I look forward to coming back to Singapore as a civilian! But I have business at hand and they need to be done. Take care as I venture overseas for the defence of the nation!

See you soon


Blogger granule said...

Sgt Fooong rocks!

19/3/07 11:17 PM

Blogger granule said...

you're back!

16/4/07 12:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back, bub

19/4/07 10:27 PM


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