Thursday, August 04, 2005

Looong time busy


Been ground to the ground for this week, and with my predessessor clearing off/leave while the branch ventures on towards a gloomy future...will miss the previous batch.

One thing I find hard to do is to love everyone. Let's admit, we are imperfect and others are just as imperfect to. We are drawn to some easier and repelled by others at first sight.

Well, I have made loving others my 'life-goal' and with the help and blessing of God, I maybe able to truly love people put around me. I will perish one day from the face of the Earth (and to the delight of some hahahaha) and I only bring my character along with me.

Time on Earth is for us to grow for eternity, and it is limited. We will never know what happens or how exactly the person is...a lot of 'unknowns' which can only be known if we form bridges with others...including our own list of undesirables.

With this I end here, and wish you (whoever you are) all the best in life. :)