Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cooldown in Carlisle

Heeeeeeello Guys!

It has been a long time since I have blog, and man does blogging sometimes seem to be writing intensive, and narcissitic. Temp in Carlisle is a chill 5 - 20 celcius. Pretty cool, as in cold.

Oh yeah, here's a fortuitous picture I took. I was just focusing on the signpost and this car came by.

I didn't even see the dog until I was editing the photos. Funny.

Just finished another chem lab. I seem to have a jinx...I am always the last to finish my trials and readings, the sole guy still standing there doing the experiment again. Reminds me of my JC days, when lab was before recess. Usually, people will leave the lab before me and enjoy a long recess...not so for me though. Always there until the lab is almost empty.

After 2 years of not ever touching a pipette or volumetric flask, I need to get back up to speed. I am not too worried about taking too long to do experiments now, as I still finish within the period. Of course, it's an area to improve on.

No suprise, I have been quite busy lately. Work (duh, that's why I am in college): tests, exams, readings, summarizings, labs and pure laziness. Well, busyness is kind of like a choice. It may sound preposterous and do think about it for a moment. When we are busy, don't we tend to focus on what we need to do? Or live life on a pre-planned structure and plan each day like a co-ord (army term for a meeting)?

At times I have and I admit it is not great. Makes me lose sight of what we should simply cherish each day in our lives. How about God? Or being thankful for those close to you? On a ratio of yourself:everyone else can't be equal to 1. Busyness is a choice, if we choose to devote our lives to accomplishing things and not focus on other things like the needs of others around you. We are busy, but don't let it overwhelm our lives.

The Convenience Sauce

Heinz ketchup, from

After eating in the cafeteria for quite some time...since I see ketchup everyday. This analogy kind of struck me. I'm not suprised if some other great scholar or philosoher...or just someone else figured it out and preached it in his/her words.

Ketchup is the easy answer to bad tasting food. Blend broccoli? Add the zest with ketchup! Not enough taste? Douse 'em in red glory! Now anybody can have a good tasting meal thanks to ketchup. Be a cook with ketchup. Of course there are some who hate ketchup (ask the French), and don't we have to agree that ketchup's being used everywhere?

So ketchup can be applied as an approach we use in life. We 'ketchup' our life, whenever we don't choose to recognize the blendness, the distastefulness and the dryness that is ever-present in mortal existence. Refuse to taste bitterness to preserve my happiness, or maintain my belief that all is going right. If you firmly believe your life is going all right, and have no worries, try to think again. No one has been able to live just each day without having sinned in one way. Not in terms of murdering people, but thinking lustful thoughts, judge someone instantly, clutch onto prideful self-confidence...except Jesus.

That's why I need the Cross each day.

Well, I need to take my leave now my friends. Have fun out there and see you soon :)

God Bless,


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