Friday, September 07, 2007

2nd Post in the US

Hi Everybody

How has life been going on for you? I think there is one question that people will find hard not to find an answer for: Do you have any pains and weaknesses? Well, we all have our pains and failings - God wants to hear about it (it's is in His character).

Today for Me

Today's been a long day for me. Started off nearly blind with an awful right eye infection. Could barely open my eyes before my right eye gets deluged in tears and great trubbing pain. Thank God I was able to leave my dorm, eat breakfast, and go to the Health Center. While I sat at the entrance of the health center before it opened, I rested my eyes due to my infection.

Well, the health system here is very different from Singapore. I was attended to by an accredited Nurse, and the health center doesn't prescribe drugs. Fortunately, there was a college despatch driver that helped a lot to drive me to the pharmacy and back. Got my drugs and my eye is much better now. I better find a way to thank the driver.

I think today taught me to be thankful to God always. Initial results from a little chem quiz and math assignment had revisitations of my old nemesis: carelessness. A part of me felt quite pissed about the mistakes, but I knew it was not right to feel that way. My first response was to thank God for giving it to me, I didn't do too badly, it is a realistic reflection of me (and my weaknesses), it is up to me to build on what I have now. and why should I stress over such trifle things? Of course I will need a 3.5+/4.0 GPA (or 90%) to be a doctor, but will I allow it to skew my view on life? No way.

Had a 'wet' bio lab today - that means I am out in the field with the class. It was cool. Went to a nature sanctuary that was in the lower part of the mountain range. Lots of wildflowers and trees. Applied plant identification, analysed herbivory, watched out for pollinators (managed only bees...I suck) and enjoy nature (and it was 30 degrees celsius).

Thing is, before this class I always thought plants were boring because they just stay still. Little did I know that plants have a heck of a lot of adaptations, and how they interact with animals is a very interesting topic. So if you look at a field of flowers, do keep this in mind: There's more than meets the eye.

Some Singapore Stuff:

Not sure if I am the only Singaporean in Dickinson, but I think so. Well, coming from a small country, I am accustomed to the need to know the whole world (and this is not entirely through GP). In the US, not many people (not just Americans) know much about Singapore, and I can appreciate where they come from. Our flag looks weird to some. Singapore does play a huge role in some areas, but ultimately it is a country of 4 million, barely the size of a state in the US.

Just had correspondence with a church bro back in Singapore. Well, the youth group prepared a very thoughtful and touching book, and a well-done pen with sleeve. I did not expect getting anything before I left. Heh, thanks loads for the parting gifts. Of course I won't forget you guys. Now it's my turn to respond right? First thing first, I'll pray with you guys.

After about 3 weeks in the US, I am appreciating the seriousness behind the decision to go overseas. You will leave behind an environment you are used to (or even 'top of the chain'), friends you easily gel with, eating tasty food, speaking a language (Singlish) that is nationally recognized, and the family you have grown up with most of your living life.

Not that I am homesick, but I would like to take this time to remember the links I have back in Singapore. Be it family, schoolmates, or church mates, they have given me so much in terms of their time, resources or support, that I value the worth of relationships. Well, I am away now and don't worry too's my aim not to forget these relationships. I won't be mushy and stay so connected to home that I do not go out to meet others.

It's time for me to go off now, and hope you'll have a great day/night ahead (depending on where you are). Here's a pic I took of the library at my college.

Have fun and God Bless,


Blogger aloner said...

ya man don't forget me!! haha :p


10/9/07 11:09 PM


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