Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm Back!!! (for quite awhile already)

Hello there!

I have been back for about 2 weeks from Taiwan and say, I have not updated this blog immediately. Bad blogger. Anyway, I have been quite involved in many activities but that doesn't excuse me from not updating it here.

Well, I have ORD (or 'graduated') from the great welfare organisation called 'SAF', and you can call me a civilian and NSman! Yeah it is good but my ORD date was quite inconveient. It was right after my Taiwan trip, and it was smack in the middle of the unit's block off. That meant a few things, such as work to clear-up, understudy to teach (in 2 days), and having to return stores at different times (as each place didn't open at the same time). Currently, I still have minor issues to settle, and my real and authentic ORD awaits.

Other than that, life's been great (as it always is with God)! Now I won't have to fret over the army anymore and I can start to plan stuff to do before I travel overseas for study. There are certainly many things to do and I'll prioritise and make sure I don't rot away too much :)

If you'd like to know how my travels in Taiwan went, I strongly suggest visiting my facebook album (link at the right). The album contains all the photos I took, and they are accompanied by a brief description. Aye tales to tell, but the internet isn't the best medium. The sensitivities of certain organisations and the keyboard's inability to enliven expressions is a great obstacle.

Recently I went through quite an 'adventure' in Singapore. Yeap, adventures are possible down here! And I will be sharing it with you guys down here. Warning: It is very long.

"Who Moved My Stop?"

For those who have read 'Who Moved My Cheese' (WMMC) would instantly know that I am not original with titles. When I was young, I made myself read this book. Supposedly it was 'written for all ages' and I thought it would be great to read a book that most kids haven't heard of. After just reading it again, the lessons were refreshed in my mind and I began to reflect on it. I was rather amazed that my 'adventure' shared considerable similarities with the story.

Without further ado, here is the 'adventure'!

- At the Beginning

Date: 28th April 2007 AD
Time: 2230hrs
Start Point: Nat Service Resort Country Club (NSRCC)
Equipment: Skate scooter, camera bag with accessories, backpack with some stuff in it.

I at NSRCC for Daryl's 21st Birthday party, and as it was getting late at night I knew I had be quick in getting a way back home. Prior to the party, I was confident that I had a concrete plan to return home. Also, I was no stranger to this area. My parents have driven through the area quite a few times before and even my unit did a route march here. In addition, finding public transport home has not proven to be a problem for me so far.

Plan was simple: Take my scooter, head out, turn left, travel a bit, find a bus stop (My Old Cheese), flag a bus, and viola I am on the way home!

Hemming myself in: My friend Dael told me that he was going back with his friends in a car. They could fit 1 more guy in and Dael kindly offered me the place. Somehow I allowed myself to say 'no thank you' and trust in my plan of getting back home. Heh, I was even looking forward to the adventure of finding the bus stop!

- The Journey Begins

So the tale goes on, I told Daryl that I needed to leave and we exchanged our farewells, and I scootered out of NSRCC. I came out of the club and proceeded to look for 'My Old Cheese'.

The intial stages were paved and I took little effort riding over them with my scooter. As I turned into Changi Coast Road, pavement gave way to grass, buttress roots, and mud. Naturally I had to dismount and walk on. My scooter couldn't fold as the hinge was rusty, and I held it like a rifle.

After awhile, I began to amuse myself, acting as if I was some sergeant in a section bringing my 'men' forward. I was carrying my 'scooter-rifle' in the midst of going through vegetation to the next objective. I could sense it was close (as Bus 35 went by), and I was about to prove to myself that I am good with public transport. Haw haw I was so wrong.

- Oh Baby...

It was about 2300hrs when I reached to the end of Changi Coast Rd, and I found myself at a junction. This junction simply led to 2 big roads, which would normally lead to highways. There are no bus stops on highways right? Soon, my soldiering got replaced by...

'YOU STUPID IDIOT!!!', I muttered to myself. 'Why did you have to refuse the ride???', my mind began exclaiming, 'Dael could be back home and ready to sleep by now...but nooo, you had to choose the hard way smart guy.'. My 'Old Cheese' was not where it was supposed to be and I was desperate to find any bus stop (or New Cheese)!

I knew just worrying my guts out wouldn't help, and I began to 'sniff' around the area. The left road immediately led to a highway. Hence, I had to take the road on the right. I scurried across the right, got over the fender and walked ahead in the grass.

The 'valiant soldier' image of myself quickly morphed to the 'lost grasscutter' with his 'grasscutter scooter'. That was soon replaced by 'the very lost youth'. I laughed at myself, imagining how stupid I must have looked like to the cars driving by. What would some chap with 2 bags and a kick scooter be doing at the side of such a remote road in the middle of the night? Either he is very adventureous or very very very badly lost. I was very very very badly lost.

I kept calling myself 'stupid' or 'idiot' as I continued on with no 'New Cheese' in sight. The walk was rather long as I trudged by the side of a big road. I went past 2 Tanah Merah Country Club gates along the way. I didn't know where I would be headed to and I just hoped I won't run into a highway. Along the way, I prayed to God. I knew He had a way instore for me and I will find it out! I will find my 'Cheese' but there was a big question mark of 'when?'. I earnestly hoped to reach back by midnight. Naive?

Soon, I was about to find some 'New Cheese'...

- Scent of 'New Cheese'

The highway-looking road soon became a main road, and main roads do have buses!!! As soon as I touched pavement, I mounted my ol' trusty scooter and went down looking for the nearest 'New Cheese'. 'Lo and Behold! A bus stop!', I exclaimed to myself, as I saw 'New Cheese' in the distance. Well, the only bus was No. 35 and I barely knew where it would go to. Also, there was no bus directory to refer to.

This wasn't exactly the 'New Cheese' I was looking for and I knew there was something better! Could it be a bus stop with a bus I know of, or even a MRT station perhaps? I took the bold step of heading into an industrial area looking for my 'New Cheese'. I reasoned to myself, 'Workers come here everyday and there must be some transport around!'. How wrong.

Well, there were no bus stops to speak of and I was a clueless youth on a scooter in the middle of an industrial area. As I was scooter-ing on, I told God, 'I learned my lesson of pride. My pride made me refuse the ride and here I am going through quite an "adventure". But...I am enjoying it! It will be a lesson that will live with me. Thank you Lord.'

- New Cheese Found!!!

When I reached a traffic light, I made the decision to turn left and I found people! People were walking along the pavement and that meant there should be public transport nearby...and soon I found my 'New Cheese': Expo MRT Station.

As I neared the station, I heard the bitching betty repeatedly state that the last train was coming in less than 2 minutes' time! I pushed myself hard and fast into the station, scan my card, dash up the escalator and line myself up with the huge queue. Phew that took quite a bit out of my lungs I say. The train came and I boarded it. I took it and I headed towards City Hall.

Very fortunately, I was in time to catch the last train from City Hall Interchange. I changed trains and I promptly made my way back home. Remember that earnest and naive hope I had? I reached home at 0005hrs! God, you have good timing and you really took good care of me even when I am so undeserving. I have ignored your voice, sinned against you and even used your name in vain. You partnered me through this adventure and I am very thankful for your presence!

Oh yeah, here's a map of my journey:

- Epilogue

Lesson of the Day? Don't follow Josh's public transport recommendations haha. Actually, I learned that I can allow my pride to block myself from choosing help from others, when it is certainly wise to do so. I have to jiggle my brains a bit and tell myself that I will need help at times. Also, some country clubs have no public transport access!

If you have read every single letter until here I sincerely salute you, seriously. Hope you enjoyed this pretty long yarn of an 'adventure' but I admit it's not much compared compared to what others have gone through.

Well, I gotta hit the sack soon and I have to take my leave. Thank you once again for visiting and have a good day!

God Bless,


Blogger aloner said...

Remind me next time to lead the way instead! haha :)

4/5/07 10:39 PM


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