Friday, December 30, 2005

Current Situation in Work


I find it hard to think of words to describe my army life to other people. For one, it is due to I don't think much of what to say and always focusing on what to do. Also, blogging away freely is rather dangerous as I do not want to inplicate myself unnecessarily by commenting on rather sensitive issues.

Heck, life in office is not wholly enjoyable. In this world, there will always be the hypocrites and the fault-finders. I won't state any name here but disunity between different offices is no good. If people continue to find faults with one another, it spells doom for the whole company and we will do aboslutely no service to upkeep our reputation as the HQ.

It is sad that sometimes (like now) there are bad feelings between certain people. Politics is always dirty and stains those who deal in it. When it comes to office politicss, there is a difference between rank and affliation. Rank lays down the basic line of command, but affliation distorts it, granting rights to some and maligning others.

I will not specifically state my own grieviences but I am one for the unity of my own branch and the unit as a whole. As it is written in the Bible, let us continue to do our good works so that we cannot be found at fault by fault-finders. It is tough to withstand the lure of getting involved and stirring the crap out, but that is not my duty as a soldier. Do our job, serve and don't let others derail our own unity.

Well, in army it is not just who you are that determines one's experience in the army. It is also where one is posted to. Life will suck sometimes, and will be great sometimes. This is the time to grind and not be bothered too much on the myopic views of others.

Sorry if I sound negative or grim to you, but even as I as one for fun, life in office is sapping away my youth. In this struggle of life, I will encourage you here to do your job well, not for anything on earth, but for eternal treasures that are unseen.

Foong Out!

A short update....


No matter how much I type how sorry I am for not updating...well you won't be convinced right? I knew it :) Just like to say although I haven't been blogging for a long time (1 month++) that doesn't mean nothing is happening in my life. Lots of things have happened and like myself, when I am innundated with so many events, blogging takes the backseat and somehow gets forgotten until someone says 'hey update man'. I am touched...and rather apologetic :(

Don't worry...I will be typing 'flashbacks' to detail to you what has happened to me (if you are sooooo interested) and just let you read the life of a loser and maybe equip you with knowledge to not be a loser. :D

Yeah I know the photo part of this blog is non-existent. That is a fact. Until I get my hands on certain media devices will I start to post pics here and there. No pictures is boring and well, I don't want to bore you too much and I will strive to add photos ok?

That's about all I have for this short update, and be assured that I'll keep you guys in the loop. Until the next post, have a nice day!
