Friday, November 17, 2006

This Week's Update

Hi y'all! Having some free time surfing the net right?

Anyway, this Friday has come near to the end of a long week for me. It started from Friday guard duty, Saturday in camp preparing for outfield, Sunday till Tues outfield, Thurs had to help out in last minute prize presentation and post-outfield celebrations...and Saturday COS (COy Orderly Sergeant) duty!

Sounds like real fun to me lol. Nevermind...being lame.

Well since I have some time to breathe some air from my home, I'd like to share an experience I had with a particular Warrent Officer (guys who really rise up the ranks from private, and have spent a long time in the army. It is a rank in between sergeant and officer)

Well, this warrent officer is 1WO Chew. He was my Duty Officer (DO) for guard duty...and he is a very unique DO. People tend to just see the surface, and see him as a very luo shuo (long-winded) person. He is known to give long debriefings and to really test guard duty personnel on their tasks.

I've gotta say that there's lots of wisdom in what he says. Seriously is not easy being a great guard, as there are tons of stuff we need to know. We don't do guard duty so often and have little chance of really being a kilat (excellent) guard. He can quite easily just scold us and give us extra duties!

But...he has the patience and takes the time to slowly go through the procedures and explains the importance behind each and every one of them. Granted, it might seem paranoid to keep such 'anal' standards in peacetime...but who can tell when the time really comes where we are faced with a real threat? 1WO Chew prepares us well for that.

This reminds me of Matt 24:42 in the Bible. Jesus warned his disciples to watch out for his next coming. The end could come anytime and serves as a potent reminder to do His Work before the end actually comes.

The lesson I learnt is: Keep doing the good work and don't waste your time and get caught with your pants down. The time will come, but we just won't know when it does.

Hope you guys may learn something from's my sincere wish. Well, I've gotta go off now and entertain the other parts of my life. Stay well, and have fun out there guys!

Still Serving

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Something Very Cool


I haven't been blogging regularly as I had guard duty last Sat (I will update you later in another entry). Well, no excuse anyway huh? to take this time to share with you something cool that happened to me recently.

It happened back when I was on a despatch job for my office, and I was making my way to Buona Vista MRT from the bus stop beside it. There, I met a disadvantaged person, who just wanted to know my name, religion, address and handphone number. Well, I had no problem with it and I agreed to give him some details. I wrote them down on his piece of paper. After that, we said our farewells (he sniffed my shirt!) and I was off on my way.

Came back from camp yesterday, and I noticed this in my mail:

That is cool man! He sent me this nice little X'mas seriously caught me unaware. Just to tell you, I am very touched by his action, to go through the process of making a card for a complete stranger he met on the road. Even better than what I did for my JC class.

By the way, his name is Aldie bin Mohd Sujak from MINDSville @ Napiri.

I've got to return his favour and perhaps make a card for him too. Not only just to wish him well and that sort of hallmark stuff, but with real heart. Maybe I can visit MINDSville one day and really get to know people like Aldie better. I have a belief of helping the disadvantaged, not because of some 'moral imperative' but because I love to help them, and in is a way they can contribute back to society too.

Thanks for the card Mr. Aldie!

One prayer request

Lord, one of my brothers (a former muslim) is also facing persecution from choosing Christianity. The whole fellowship is behind him and my small group has prayed for him too. Be his tower of refuge and strength, give his courage and wisdom as he holds onto you. Protect him and give him strength to carry on. Ultimately, may he come out of his situation with maturity and courage to boot. I really respect his choice of Jesus, and be with him as you have always Lord.

I am fortunate not to have suffered persuction and hate some have. But we will face them in the future, and it depends on us how we react to them. We can only rell if we are ready when we are faced with such situations.

God, you have thought me today (in Sat Service) that thoughts and prayers are useless without action. May we remind ourselves that we serve you in every compartment of our lives, not seperated like the compartments of the Titanic.

Well, I gotta go off now and do other things in my life that await my attention.

See you guys soon and stay well.