Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Getting Closer...

Hello there Surfer!

It has been sometime since I last update and like every blogger, I apologise for not updating :P You may have noticed that I added a photo section for your viewing pleasure. My photo skills are non-existant and I would have to work them up. Go take a look see if you would like to.

I think my blog is on a register in MINDEF and they're tracking my entries like any caring army would heh. Kinda scary to type about army stuff here as there's a chance of innocently releasing classified information. We may have the freedom to type away, but we have to bare the consequences of our own actions. Just like taking drugs lol.

Just got through a really negative period part of my army career. As I am getting closer to my ORD, I would naturally expect to get less stuff to do. Unfortunately, lots of stuff happened within those few days and man did my mood hit the rocks! Espacially when I am rushing with work, and some peeps in office are laughing and having a good time. Feels frustrating and I was tempted to wring their necks for being ignorant of my stress.

Couldn't stop myself thinking negative thoughts. My flesh reasoned that I am going to leave and why am I still getting piled up with so much stuff? Don't they recognise how long I have already served and at least work to reduce my load? My mind even raised a suggestion why am I being worked so hard regardless of my education? People, any human mind is capable of such thinking. Avoid it.

I kinda did my best not to entertain those thoughts and sometimes I did reflect my negativity and gripes to my peers. I did my work (or stuff my mind termed as 'extra onerous work'). Guess I am a soldier now and I have to do my duty. Not that I am doing it for some lofty ideal like protecting the nation, but to discharge the duty entrusted upon me by my superiors. We share the workload together as a unit.

Above: Ken Watanabe as General Kuribayashi in 'Letters from Iwo Jima'.

Just watched Letters from Iwo Jima with my dad today. As an army personnel, I did reflect on what the Japanese went through and asked myself what is my attitude to my own army? In the movie, there were many types of soldiers. Some obeyed their superiors without question, different soldiers were loyal to different leaders (who also had differences between each other), a few were too eager to surrender and there are the ones who question the questionable.

The comment from the letter from Sam in the movie struck a chord in my heart. Sam's mom wrote ' what is right, because it is right.'. Perhaps I find that comment close to my work ethic. Not to be proud of myself, but it is just what drives me in the army. Am I another one of those goody two shoes? Haha I'll leave that to you.

In war, there are no winners. Don't unquestionably take in any of those stereotypical depictions of heroic soldiers and military grandeur. When it comes to war, the worst of humanity is out and everybody suffers in a way or another.

Well, hope you are not snoozin' by now haha. And again I've gotta go back now and hit the sack. I would like to wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year and do your parents proud :P.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Piggy Test

Just another 'bo liao' test I did...have to say it is really hard to draw pigs with paintbrush and there are some peeps who can draw really well. haha go try it one day :P

A Post!

Hi Guys

Been quite some time sice I lasted blogged...I won't blame it on anything, as that's how how life turned out heh. Blaming doesn't produce much if it is just restricted to bitching. God gave us a tough life to exercise reason. Bascially, I have a busy army life even right until I finished. (someone said it 'sucked' to be me lol)

Truth be told, lots of things have happened to me for the past few weeks. Outfield just finished, ended a really busy day, bro's flying off soon, a good friend has flown off to study, one gonna start studying real soon, Chruch stuff, same old busy infantry, study plans not finalised yet and as of late, considering a lot about my future.

If you'd like to know, I am currently aiming for medicine and not turn out as a big bucks generating machine...but to really respond to the needs of others personally and within my abilities/capacities. Doctors Without Borders? So far 3 rejections out of a possible 6. Called for interviews (not rejected outright w/o interview), and I am learning interviews the hard way :P

Call me an idealist, but I would like to make more than a difference in the world. Be careful, it's not about status or doing lots of great stuff, but to reflect God's Love in the lives of others. Not that I am on some missionary trip to get more people singing hyms in Chruches, but to love others as God as loved us underserving sinners first. He loved us to the extent of cancelling our transgressions with His blood, giving us wise direction in His Word, gifting a counsellor to aid us, granting us the ability to lead fruitful lives and awaiting for our return back to Him. I am not the object of my life, God is, and there are needs out there than rank higher than my own. Definately it will be a serious and life-long conviction to answer them.

I admit, I have my shortcomings and there is space for improvement in some of my relationships. It is pretty easy to be morph a good intention for others into something that satisfies the self. I'd easily expect any cynic to bash my idealism, it maybe too saccharine. Well, I would respect their opinion but in the end, it's the life I choose to lead, it is my responsibility and a collaboration with God.

After a long talk (and walk) with a good friend, I find myself still at the crossroads of the many possible paths of my future. Even though I have decided on taking up medicine, but there are just sooooo many ways I could live my life. Get married? What is my focus in life? What skills to take up? Don't forget, do I still have God's Purpose in my sights?

Important to keep praying to God to guide me along my path of life, and to assume my own responsibility in the process of living out my life in God's Purposes. It wouldn't take a psychic to predict that my life is gonna change a lot in the next few years! Ultimately, I recoginise God's sovreignty in my life, and His Will be done.

Thanks for reading until this part and getting to know a bit more about me :) I guess you would have noticed that I do not type about specific events that occur in my life frequently. Maybe it is me to leave out such details, and not reveal too much about myself haha.

Have a pleasant new year, and I've gotta go now. My typing stops here (so Chinese composition!), and I'd like to wish you all fellow surfers a Happy Lunar New Year. Don't take drugs!

All the best,