Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Crud-ful Day

Hello again...welcome!

Today can be called a rather bad day, not because of a lot of stuff to do (and stress)...BUT practically a lotta things went wrong today... :( boo hoo...

I won't waste your time bitchin' about them...so in short: getting screwed hereand there, confusion here forgetfulness there, late bus and stuff...but feeling crappy about them ain't all that there is!

Well the importance of all of this is: God is behind all of them. Earth is temporal and God doesn't want us to be toooo attached to the world we are in. (but I'd guess some treats won't hurt haha)

So point is we have all this hurt and pain so that we don't get fond with the world and probably mature too...

One thing I can't figure is that no matter what wise sayings I tell myself about the crap in life (like learn and become better...or don't look invulnerable, share your weaknesses)...I always feel this resentment in me heart. Ouch.

Guess I am not there yet and have to grow more 'till I am called home...hmmmz. Then keep on going I guess...


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