Friday, July 20, 2007

Handphone Photography

Hello and welcome!

In this next post...I have kept up a more frequent updating schedule! So for 3 weeks we haven't seen a month long delay! Anyway, that's lame.

Well, this entry's about 2 photos I have taken on my handphone! Yes, Joshua doesn't use the big-black-can-kill-people-if-thrown camera all the time.

Road Plants:

Well, during my traffic duties in Newton Kindergarten, I found some small little plants that grew out of the brick road at the front of the church:

Since young, I was always fascinated by these plants. There is no one to put soil in there, to fertilize the soil, to plant the seeds correctly and it is exposed to the weather (and maybe car tyres)...more or less the plants had everything against them. (or so it seems)

And yet they can grow! And more then that...they can be found in a lot of places other plants couldn't have survived! An added plus is that they have really nice little delicate flowers too.

Kinda reminds me of the story of seeds and good ground in the Bible. We are like the seeds of these plants and there are many places we could end up. On the brickroad, in the gut of an animal, snuffed out by other weeds and so on.

Yet, if we land in the good soil in between the cracks...and if we persevere on we can become like these amazing plants. Not only survive the harsh conditions, and prosper in the middle of it at the same time!

What is this soil in our lives? That is the nourishing Word of doesn't solve physical hungers. It gifts us wisdom in life's true spiritual hungers. Do you recognize the inner need for spiritual health? I hungered and the Bible has fed me well. It continues to be the book to read daily!

Misleading Vending Machine Ad

On a lighter note...I noticed this advertisement for Heaven and Earth tea.

I apologize for the poor it is low light and camera phones are not great cameras regardless of megapixels (Mathematically it is a square function. So 5MP vs 8MP is an invisible difference. You need a 25MP camera to see the difference, and none of us have one yet).

Can visit this webbie to take a look:

What is wrong with this ad?

1) It is a bottled drink on the machine that sells cans.
2) There is no bin/chute on the machine (look at bottom)

It's just nitpicking and I am not saying here that Heaven and Earth is bad tea or something. I do not drink it and I think drinking tea is good for your health. Better than drinking coke haha.

Well, I have to go now and see you soon on this little corner of the internet. Have fun out there and remember, eating vegetables is good for your health also.

Jesus loves you,


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