Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Uncle Josh

Hello Surfer!

In this more frequent entry to my blog's that collecting dust, I'd like to give you the warmest welcome your computer screen can afford!

I am currently helping out in Newton Kindergarten as a traffic warden, and as one you get to see lots of stuff. I just got sprayed by a kid with a water gun today. Yesterday, I was a good 50m away from an accident (involving 4 vehicles) and yet I didn't see it.

Truthfully, I thank God for this job.

Don't get me wrong, this job can be quite tiring, even though it doesn't sound much. The kindergarten had some difficulty in getting parents to obey the traffic rule in front of the church: No drop off and pick up. Senior Pastor is quite firm on this.

As a traffic warden, I get to see the 'ugly' side of Singaporean adults. I agree that they are putting their child's interest first and I respect that. No one can disagree that a child's safety is of paramount importance, and it would be good to follow the rule to ensure the safety of everyone else.

Thing is...I received very different reception from other parents and help I have received. Some have been quite supportive and they make my day great :) The church staff have been great. However, some adults ignore me (while breaking the rule), and some justify themselves in a heated way. Fortunately for now, the situation is stable and all the drivers have been obeying the rule well.

Interestingly...I am being called 'uncle'! Do I look that old?

You may think that's because I am 16 years older than some of the children, but even their parents call me that! Not the 'kor kor' (older brother) I am accustomed to, but a term I myself use for older people. Man I am getting old.

Well, I've gotta go now and dive back to real life. Have fun out there and God Bless.



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