Not All's Well...
Isn't it a common conception in Singapore that conscripts (NSFs) couldn't be bothered about their army lives? Let alone clerks or those in service units? On the surface, it seems rather justified as we don't get much pay, not much glory and it's only 2 years. Yeah it is a sweeping statement, but it is painfully true sometimes.
Well, my office now is in disunity and apathic to an audit (PATS) coming soon. Although some jobs get done, we only do them in the confines of our departments. In other words, I take care of my work, it gets done, I go home happy. I would have to ask myself, is that right?
Heck, I don't blame my upperstudy for giving my branch a dressing down. I'd encourage it. Well, since I am placed their on a rather high estab, it will be my job to get others working. That means more stay-ins, more hours in the office and more coffee drank :P
My main problem is that I am the youngest and lowest ranking person in the branch. Only thing I can leverage on is my appointment...and it will be a challenge to get those both older and more experienced to listen to me. Also, it is not my nature to kick people around. I shackle myself in my own job and rather not bother others for the sake of not engaging in conflict.
My plan will be simple. Teamwork. I don't care if my branch (or even myself) has been wasting time before this, but we are going to get PATS right. The branch will unite, and we will work together.
God, I express my burden to you...I am a weak human. You are my inspiration and I give thanks to your undying love. I am in a tough spot, and may the branch pull through it all. I put my life into your hands.
Jumping right back into the office...and let's see if there is any change.