Sunday, October 08, 2006

Urgh...duty clerk

Heeeeeeello there!

Hope you are doing fine, but if you ask me, nothing beats me than knowing the Lord! Haha nevermind about that....if you have any problems, feel free to email them to me :) I'm serious, 'cause I'd like to hear about them and try to find a solution for you.

Not so good weekend

Well, I've just come back from a weekend duty I wasn't supposed to do. It's more or less 'signing myself an extra'. Long story, like to hear it?

To start off I'll introduce to you the characters, and here they are:

Friday's Duty Clerk - PTE A
Last Sat's Duty Clerk - CPL B
The other duty clerks

...and of course me

It's on a Friday night, and I was on off and gonna play some warhammer with my pals. Mood is happy and quite excited because I didn't get to meet them for quite a long time.

So as I was about to leave the house, I get a message from PTE A. He asks who is the Duty Clerk for Sat.

Drats, there is no Duty Clerk for Sat! I forgot all about it and how it came about is as follows:

Originally, there was no one doing last Sat's duty (30 Sep). I couldn't find anyone until I ask CPL B, who is actually clearing leave, to switch his Duty on 07 Oct to 30 Sep. He agrees and the switch occurs.

Well, I was quite thankful for his help...and darn my forgetfulness that I actually forgot to schedule one for 07 Oct. Big mistake. My mistake.

After getting the message, I start to ask all the others and I guess you can predict that all of them couldn't do it. Yeap, lots of commitments/MC etc...and unfortunately, no one was willing to do it.

Darn, and after quite a lot of thinking, I decided to do it myself. Even though I had commitments on Sat, there were a few reasons why I decided to do so:

- It's my mistake.
- No one was willing to do it. (I distrust the unwilling)
- I could spend the time and focus on writting my app essay and read :)
- Little/no time left to force someone to do it.

It was a tough decision, and trust me, my mind flew into a lot of negative thoughts. I could sense the simmering hate and 'humiliation' of arrowing myself a duty that I am not supposed to do and no gurantee of getting something in return. I had to cancel a drama act for duty. I prayed to God for wisdom and help comfort me in this situation...and to get to learn from this experience.

Not to praise myself, but I told myself that it's an opportunity to do some good. It allowed me to focus on stuff and achieve something. Maybe meet some new guys since the Duty Officer was a new one. Being in camp also allows me to do Quiet there's no one in camp and I can do it in peace.

So yeah, I bitterly went back to camp on Sat morning and fought against the negativity to do my duty and get something out of it. Thank God I had supportive parents who fetched me from there and after duty, straight to church :) The duty's over and well, life goes on as normal.

It was a tough decision, and you might say an unneccessary one. You can keep that view, and I'll respect them. But I am happy that the thing's over and perhaps learnt a few things, such as the supportive nature of my parents, and the danger of forgetfulness.

If you read until here, you have my respect haha...well, I've gotta go now and live a normal life before booking in.

Have fun and stay safe!


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