Saturday, March 04, 2006

Man It has been 1 Month...


Been 1 month since I updated my blog lol. Blame it on my laziness, predeposition to play games and a stay-in vocation. Not a great combination for free time at home heh...

I always had something in my mind that I wanted to put down here...frustrations, jubilations or an interesting view on life pops into mind. But once my feet reach home, blogging disappears into ignomity in the sea of "to-do stuff".

Today I have spent my entire day with my parents, nothing wrong about that with me actually. Except for one thing...I am beginning to feel less at ease when I go out with them too long. I follow them around when they complete their tasks, I go for meals I see little need in and sit quietly for a duration when guests are involved.

These are minor things no doubt, but I am faced with the challenge of keeping my frustrations at bay when involved in events with little or no value to me. Of course these are the times I am given to spend with my parents...and even learn a thing or two for my future life. But I don't enjoy sitting down and having them do the talking...

Am I getting old to the point that I can't keep myself stuck at home? Maybe. Or is it that I am a bit off today? Maybe too. By nature I am quiet, and I would stay quiet when I am utterly cross. Girlie huh? I'd prefer to brood over the merits of being unhappy, and ideally conclude that there's little point in being so and try my best to socialise.

Sometimes I view myself as a pawn to my parents and even aunt. It happens unconsiously, but they'll do the introduction for me like I were a product fashioned by them. Perhaps that's how being a young guy in a Chinese family is like. Little voice in family gatherings with the generation above.

Pardon me if I sound childish, but these are matters that affect me. It requires honesty and a willingness to seek the cause of it. Maybe I am getting old and I need to serperate soon haha...

But hey, my parents are great. They don't openly declare their love for their children, but they would go to ends to support my siblings and I. They willingly give us rides, take us out for lunch, and even attend events we are involved in.

Quite possibly I am fortunate to have one of the best parents on this planet. I have them to thank for a memorable childhood, a stable family, a grasp of ethics and my close family bonds...

Well, thanks for reading up to this point. :) Gotta spot before this entru becomes too long....

Now I am at the forefront of the next phase of my life. After receiving a cert from ACJC (wayang actually heh), I am venturing onwards to an admission to NUS...see where I go haha. Have to get my blog up and running again. Regularly or not is another tale.

From now 'til then, see you soon :D



Blogger Junxian said...

Relink me :)

2/4/06 6:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh!!! i read ur earlier post!!! of course ure special and may i add, wonderfully blessed! dun be melancholic. i know life aint that peachy but sometimes its good to assert ur point across if u feel it, no matter how insignificant it may be. i seldom go out with ma parents thse days as i dun wanna fo thru mundane activities bt we maintain good communication!

6/4/06 7:12 PM


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