Friday, April 07, 2006

Life So Far


I just updated my blog yet again with another big break in between...its 'monthly' nature makes it less attractive to visit but there are reasons behind it. I ain't gonna give this blog up so easily :)

One big thing for me happened today...and that is my great friend Qamarul has just been enlisted :D He is the guy I know since Sec 1 through an absolutely geeky and dumb-ass game called 'The Phantom Menace'. All the best to him and his new-found haircut. ALL THE BEST QAP!!!

Well, thanks to the army I have scant little time spent at home. At the army, I am unable to log in to, thus restricting my blogging to times at home. Now that's where 'my real life' duel with each other for prominence in the period I spend outside Mandai.

I have responsibilities ranging from Church, olde geek pals (and warhammer gatherings), the occasional weekend duty and even meeting up with aquaintances I have made in my short life. In short, I spend good portions of my weekends outside my home. home things don't get any easier. I am experiencing some issues with the LAN at home, the need to catch up on lost sleep and time for me to do my daily devotions (which is falling backward I admit)

Simply it is not my job to bitch/complain about my lack of private life :) I am happy that I am spending my time with good friends and close buddies. I live my life for others and try my best to be good company, but of course there are times when I can't fulfil that when I am down or moody. But hey, I am homo-sapiens and I value friendships. Awwwwww...

Have to go back in tomorrow for more wonderous duty. Hope to see you all again in one piece and going on strong.



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