Monday, August 13, 2007

A Little Late Entry

Hello Everybody :)

Well, this is the start of what is effectively my last week of being a ho-bo in Singapore. I'm gonna start school again real soon, and heading to the US does seem to leave me in a cacophony of feelings.

Of course, I would prefer to choose the easy option to staying in Singapore and study a course I can get in. I have (not in order of preference) great friends, an involving Church, a warm family and tantalizing food to eat at home...and it is natural to feel the severing of my attachment to them in my heart (actually it occurs in the brain).

Have to say I had a good time since I left SAF. Completed the Dale Carnegie Course (and looking to build on it), worked part time in the kindergarten, helped run a memorable Church camp, go out and eat good food, prepare my entry in college, take loads of photos and so on...and yet this brings me to an essential point we all need to consider:

Do we focus on the success or the significance of our lives? Do we immediately busy ourselves in doing a lot of things and yet miss looking into the significance of the stuff we do (like to others, or for God)?

It is dangerous to judge my life on the successes, for they have their value given by humans and do not last with me after I die. Simply said, there is more to life and that is eternal life. I place my trust in God not as a blind believer, but as someone who knows what I am headed to. I see His Hand in all the things we have (good and ill) and recognize His loving sacrifice in Jesus to scale the Bridge of Sin. His Will is what I seek for and I stand accountable to Him with what I have.

Looking back, I wouldn't have wanted to be where I am right now. Proud with 3 As (which is nothing much in Singapore), I was looking up at NUS and UK to get a MBBS...thought that I didn't need Kenyon College (which is a very good school). I didn't get in to all of them. It is all too easy to rue them all and curse my luck!

Most importantly, I had lots of missed chances and that does not diminish my joy in getting into Dickinson College (which is also a very good school). I choose not to be swayed by past negative circumstances and I see Dickinson as my next a very long journey. I choose to pursue it to learn and to use this opportunity to use my life for God. I have been placed here and I would use it to my best.

Haha that's about enough babblering for I need to prepare myself this week for school. Packing my bags is certainly a daunting task.

I wish you all the best and hope to see you again here in this corner of the internet!



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