Sunday, September 11, 2005


Hey hey hey its me again :)

I have one problem in life right now and I am gonna share it with you guys.

People may say my life is all set to go:

  • Respectable A'level results (can go for courses I want)
  • A financially well-off background (yes vroom vroom)
  • Great family which is quite close (something I cherish a lot)
  • Have an active job in NS (nicer word for busy)
  • Got 1.5 years to 'chart' my future uni life (hopefully stay-out haha)
  • And not forgetting....knowing God! (most important yea?)
But I still don't feel right...kinda like I feel hopeless. Yeah repeat that? HOPELESS. It's not that I am going to bitch about myself, but I just feel worried and gloomy about my own life, and even lonely and unknown. God bless that I feel better than last time.

I theorized that I had an underlying problem which has not been found, and this problem keeps on nagging on my conscience. Could it be the army taking out too much of my life? Beats what do I do? Ask around for advice, which I admit I didn't ask a lot of people.

From what I hear, my life is good to go, but there is just a lot of things waiting to happen. Somehow I guess my life is like a lighted fuse...trailing to a pile of TNT. Sigh shouldn't I be squealing in delight? Thing is: I don't feel like it.

Well I will take heart of having gone through this episode for my life will change and I will move forward towards my calling. Then I hope I will be of service to others.

See ya another time :)



Blogger Jiaqi said...

I may not understand how u really feel.. Perhaps u shud like sit down in the lonely silence. Where time doesnt flow so fast. When ur all by urself.. perhaps god will make a way for u. I noe he always does.. Well, on my side.. things are not really set.. and many loopholes and missing parts are there too.. so well bro.. have faith.. i noe u have far more than me

16/9/05 8:27 PM


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