Sunday, November 06, 2005

Hello :)

Yeah yeah...

I haven't been blogging for a long time (again) and I won't list out the reasons why. Not my nature to bitch too much. My life has been hectic in all areas...although people would say my life is rather easy (get to book-out, no rigorous training...), my life has its own challenges and I don't think I am doing them too well at the moment haha :D

Office-wise, things are changing. For one, the cubicles have been shifted yet again, and the office now has a whole new arrangement. Although that meant more space for superiors, I ended up with just 1 partition and 1 table to call 'office'. Well, I am not complaining lol.

Yeah I gave a bold statement regarding PATS before this, and yes things have changed, but not by a lot like in the movies. I have begun to stamp my authority in the office (in line with my appointment), and now I challenge myself to break my introvert-ness and kick people to work. People have begun to stay-in and work on Saturday along with Chief Clerk.

This week will be crucial as PATS will be on 11 Nov 05 (this Friday)...and generally speaking, the branch has really big shoes to fill up. The previous batch scored high, and there is this expectation to keep up the standard (although the present batch is quite new). Feeling quite gloomy about work now...but I will hang on.

Yesterday, I gave a testimony sharing in church for 'Testimony Day'. It was a day for those who were baptized to share their testimonies. For some unexplainable reason, I agreed earlier to share mine...I came up, faced the audience and shared my part. Well, it was not as engaging as the others who showed great emotion in their testimonies.

I am bad at accepting compliments and I would like to take this time to express my heart-felt gratitude to those who have congratulated me on both willing to come up and to share my testimony. I apologize for my clumsy responces. You all will be my inspiration in the time to come...

Well, hafta go now and tomorrow's gonna be another working day for me. No rest for the wicked...

See ya


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nostalgia.......You're a bit young for that, aren't you?

15/11/05 4:42 PM


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