Sunday, September 18, 2005

Loong time no post

Hello yet again :)

There has always been 1 pattern in my life: Work work work and become so absorbed in work that I cannot remember what I have actually done for work. Weird...or maybe I am getting old.

I know I haven't been updating this blog for long time, and it is about time to do so. So if you have been reading this continuously: THANK YOU.

I guess for all this while I have been in the 'introspection mode'. More or less it is just looking into myself and kind of explore myself through life experience or interaction with others...and I would say I am at least getting somewhere compared to last time.

Nowsadays as I see the people around me...I started thinking about living for each and every one of them. Close friends and complete strangers...I feel that the responsibility for taking care of each of them well is great. God loves us all and I am not sure whether caring for others is the true path I am to take in my life in accordance to God's Will.

Oh well back to reality and Monday, couldn't get any better can it? It can for I would know...

See ya


Blogger Junxian said...

Joshua... Wat ever you do just remember.. DO only the Area you are taksed.. hehe.. :) Cheers... I am always there to help u:)

19/9/05 1:51 AM

Blogger Xin the great said...

yoz josh.been scannin pals' blogs.urs too; blog add is linked to mel's and mel to darryl's, yanbin's, jolene's..i dun update it often due to time constraints.but i sumtimes put a comment or visit my new flooble.miss u!

Xin Yi

21/9/05 2:03 AM

Blogger Qap said...

do you even noe how to link Josh ?! hahaha kk kidding :P

25/9/05 12:23 PM


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