Saturday, January 21, 2006

No more PATS

Hello everybody :)

I have just gone through quite a rough period and now I have the time to relax awhile...before we get all cylinders going for the next audit. So now I can spend time now without worrying about documents for some time haha....and 3SG (NS) Hong, thanks for your support.

I have to tell you this: These tough times were a blessing, and opened my eyes greatly. Yeah, greatly.

The batch before mine left big shoes to step in. They performed so well that maintaining that standard seemed almost impossible. We had new guys, revocated riflemen and a storeman. Things outside the branch affected us lines not exactly doing their job...and our boss being pressured to perform or else....(from what I saw)

I would say I won't focus on the result. This is not a statement to deflect any perceived defeat from not making the mark, but a proud string of words to state that I have found something Redcon1 cannot provide....and that's brothers in the army. Band of Brothers lol

We worked our asses off in the office, and had to resort to sleeping on dockets like bleeding beggars!!! It was great fun :D People might seem disinterested in work, and others might say my branch are slackers. Let 'em go fly a kite. Hear their story 1st and you will know.

For example...Hafiidz has proven to be dependable albeit with a 'relack' attitude. John may not seem the most incisive of all R&D clerks, but he is full of spirit and a source of laughter. WQ could be looked upon as an 'arrow evader' but he will show up when the going gets tough.

Once you step down and dig in your heels with them, it is a joy to work together. We all need each other to work together. Together Everybody Achieves More. TEAM!

I guess people are hard to understand and we dont see the interesting side of them when we only talk about work. I won't say I have understood everyone in the office, but at least I can say that I have close contact with them. When tough times come, you see the true face of others. I did and I am greatful for it.

To the previous batch: Thanks for your support but I have to say this too...don't mind yourselves too much about the present the branch. We aren't as good yet but we will work towards it. We may not perform as well but I can say we are close and appreciate the company. Good job to the 11th mono, and the Best is yet to Be.

Not all is too rosy since the finish, and I am not talking about Redcon 2. Our chief clerk's mother is not too well in terms of health, and I ask of you to pray for her recovery. The branch will support her and whatever the outcome is, it is God-willed. You have my greatful thanks.

Well, I have to go off now, and dive back into the complexities of life. With this I wish you a good day, and God bless you.



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